Nebraska Energy Federal Credit Union SYSTEM UPGRADE
February 1, 2025 - February 3, 2025.  
The credit union office will be closed on Monday, February 3, 2025.
This upgrade includes enhanced Online Banking and Mobile Banking App platforms providing user friendly navigation and added features.
Online and Mobile Banking,
Mobile Deposit, Call 24 Telephone Banking
These services will begin moving offline at 1:00 p.m. CST on 01/31/25 and be 
UNAVAILABLE through 02/03/25.
Bill Pay, Zelle®
Bill Pay and Zelle® will be disabled on 01/27/25. Payments will continue to
process through 01/31/25.

Please note existing Bill Pay payees, transfers, and payments will transfer to the new platform. However, you may want to consider printing out a copy of your payees and recurring payments for your reference.
Debit Card, Credit Card, and ATM Access
NEFCU Debit Cards and Credit Cards will function as normal (stand-in limits will apply).
ATM access will be available (stand-in limits will apply).
Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) remain unaffected.
Direct Deposit and ACH Items
Direct Deposit and ACH Items will continue to process without interruption.  Members please note there is no action required.
QuickBooks Quicken Conversion Guide
ACTION NEEDED: Users will need to make changes to the Quicken software.
Please click the Conversion Instructions Guide link below and complete the steps outlined.
Conversion Instructions Guide
  • Log in to NEFCU Online Banking and verify your address, phone number, and email address are correct.

  • eSTATEMENT USERS should log in to NEFCU Online Banking and download or print statements. Once the system upgrade is complete, you will have access to the previous three (3) months' statements.

  • CALL24 TELEPHONE VOICE RESPONSE - Call24 will be replaced with our new system: iTalk. Users will be required to re-enroll in the iTalk system. A new dedicated telephone number will be assigned and published on the credit union website after 02/03/25.
  • QuickenBooks Users will need to make changes to the Quicken software.  Please click the following link to access the guide: 
                                                                                                          Conversion Instructions Guide
  • BILL PAY USERS should review transfers and payments you have calendared within Bill Pay. If there are transfers or payments scheduled to be processed during the system upgrade weekend, we recommend you arrange for these to be processed early to avoid payment delays.
    Please note: existing Bill Pay payees, transfers, and payments will transfer to the new platform. However, you may want to consider printing out a copy of your payees and recurring payments for your reference.

  • NOTE: ONLINE BANKING - If you have saved or bookmarked the link to online banking, it will no longer function after the system upgrade. You will be required to access the new online banking platform through the NEFCU website.

  • NOTE: MOBILE BANKING APP - A new App will be available. You will be required to download the new App from the App Store. There will also be a redirect link on the current Mobile App for the new download.

  • USERNAMES and PASSWORDS will NOT be converted to the new online/mobile banking platforms. You will be required to Enroll as a First-Time User. Once enrolled, you will be required to re-set all alerts and notifications. You will also be required to re-enroll in eStatements. 

  • ACCOUNT NUMBERS(s) will NOT change, however the account suffixes will now require four digits. Examples:   
Share Savings  Share Savings Sub Acct Checking IRA/Certificates Loans
00 changes to 0000 01 changes to 0001 74 changes to 0074 81 changes to 0081 21 changes to 002
ONLINE BANKING - You will access the new online banking platform by clicking Secure Online Banking Login located on the homepage of the NEFCU website. Previously saved or bookmarked links will no longer function.
MOBILE BANKING APP - You will be required to download our new app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
USERNAMES and PASSWORDS will NOT convert to the new system. The first time you log on to the new online banking or mobile app platform, you will be required to:
  • Enroll as a First Time User. Once enrolled, your log on credentials will work for both platforms.
  • Complete the New User Enrollment which includes a 2-factor authentication process. This will be required for each device you use to access your account.
  • Re-set all alerts and notifications.
  • Re-enroll in eStatements.
System Upgrade FAQ's
Will eStatements be transferred to the new system? 
Before the system upgrade: Users should download statements.  Log into Virtual Branch and save or print copies of your statements.   

After the system upgrade: Users will be required to re-enroll into the eStatement option. Once enrolled, you will have access to the following statements: November 2024, December 2024, and January 2025.  Should you need a copy of a previous statement, please contact the credit union. 
Will my Online and Mobile Banking Username and Password change?
Your current Online Banking and Mobile Banking App Usernames and Passwords WILL NOT convert to the new system. Online and Mobile Banking become available on 02/04/25. Upon your first log in, you will be required to Enroll as a First Time User. Users will also be required to download the new Mobile Banking App from the App store and Enroll as a First Time User. This will include resetting both the Username and Password (online and mobile) using the following criteria: 
  • You will be required to accept the Online Banking terms and conditions.
  • The first time you log on you will be asked to enter a 2-factor authentication code. This code can be sent to the phone number or email address you have on file with the NEFCU. You will need to do this on each device that you access your NEFCU account from.
  • Once enrolled in the new Online Banking, you will be required to re-set your alerts and notifications. These will not be transferred to the new system.
  • You will be required to re-enroll in eStatements.
Will Mobile Deposit be available during the system upgrade weekend?
Mobile Deposit service will be unavailable during the system upgrade weekend. Once the upgrade is complete, you will access Mobile Deposit through the new Mobile Banking App.
Will Bill Pay be affected by the system upgrade?
Yes. It is important that you review scheduled transfers/payments that you have calendared within Bill Pay. If there are transfers/payments that need to be processed during the system upgrade weekend, we recommend you arrange for those transfers/payments to be processed in advance to avoid payment delays. 
Please note existing Bill Pay payees, transfers, and payments will transfer to the new platform. However, you may want to consider printing out a copy of your payees and recurring payments for your reference.
Will I need to order new checks?
No, all check information will remain the same.
Will Direct Deposit/ACH Payroll Deductions be affected?
No, these transactions will be processed without interruption. It is NOT necessary to contact your employer or others who deposit or withdraw funds from your account.
Will I be issued a new debit card and/or credit card?
  • No, all debit cards and credit cards (including PIN) will remain the same.
  • Debit Cards and the NEFCU Credit Card will be functional during the system upgrade without interruption.
  • Stand-in limits will appy
  • Following the close of business day on 01/31/25, debit cards and credit cards will move to offline processing. During this time, new transactions will be delayed posting to your account.